Monday, September 13, 2010

Care Package

Two weeks ago I sent my first care package to Matt... he should be getting it soon! Yes, that is a bottle of Cholula. I hope it makes it one piece.

I am going to try and send chocolate chip cookies to him tomorrow and see how they do... I have been testing out some new recipes and I think I found the perfect one.

Homemade cards... the one furthest to the left is the wine label from a lovely bottle of wine that Frank the jeweler from Aspen gave us.

The second one is a map Matt drew me when I first stayed in Tacoma instructing me on how to get to the water.

The third is just a cute card....

One of my homemade envelopes these were fun to make.

Ahh cookie dough! The best part of making chocolate chip cookies! The only problem is that I eat too much of it and then can't have any of the baked cookies because my stomach hurts.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Parent's new home

My parent's new house... view from the back deck... so pretty

Deogie Bear

Since I moved from CB and am waiting for Matt to come home I am living in my parent's basement ( no joke) and have quite a few spider friends. Since I don't like killing any living things, I am participating in the spider relocation program. I let this guy out only to have him crawl back into the house. Geez...